
View | Why India’s pragmatic approach to the Russia-Ukraine war makes sense.

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In 1888, Otto Von Bismarck said that the European war would “start with some stupid things in the Balkans” On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire was killed by a Serbian Bosnia. The chain of disaster events released by this event caused world war first. What could be a punishment expedition contained by Austria-Hungary against Serbia immediately swallowed the world. Why? With the risk of excessive simplification, Serbia found himself sandwiched between some great strength, each of which was willing to fight to prevent disturbances in his status quo As amateur students from conflict, battle, and war who put the pages of world history, I have carefully after the Russian invasion to Ukraine. A pattern that reminds the event that leads to WW1 is clearly visible, although with many Balkan countries now become part of NATO, the battlefield has shifted to Ukraine The seeds of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict are currently sprinkled in 1991 when the former declared independence from the Soviet Union. In 2005, Pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovich was chosen as president but amid the allegations of massive elections and protests, had to retreat for Viktor Yushchenko, who promised to take the country from Russian influence and towards NATO and EU Maybe too late to realize the awesome of the task he set for himself – Russia and Ukraine have a cultural, linguistic, and historical inheritance together – Yanukovich changes his attitude in the turn of the last decade and becomes a pro-Kremlin, a regarding face that is not valued by Ukraine which leads to the next Euromaidan protest and the OUSTER from the office. Fast forward and Volodymyr Zelskyy, the current Ukrainian president in the news for his troop rally against the invasion of the front line, served and initiated by Ukraine’s shift to the west again, changes in other factors that cause Russian invasion.

Where does India stand?

The historical soliloquy point above is to highlight the fact that the Russian-Ukrainian war, to place it is simple, complicated. There are many factors involved and while the West does not lure Russia to trigger war, the European Union and NATO have an interest in ensuring the continuity of the friendly regime in Ukraine: the alternative is to share the border with nuclear armed Russia, the last prospect is unpleasant As a country close to Washington, and has a long history of friendship and cooperation with Russia, India finds itself in a unique position. There are many calls, both internally and externally, for India to rise as a global adequacy country that arises and all Russian aggression. After all, attacking a neighboring country with a guise to prevent genocide just because it drifts against international norms received, similar to school bullies punching weaker children because they are friends with others. 

India has taken a very pragmatic approach to the whole situation. Indian diplomats have time and once again emphasize the need for dialogue between Russia and Ukraine in different forums including the United Nations, however, India is also careful to avoid direct criticism of Russia, and has ignored itself from condemning resolutions in both. The UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly The three main arguments that support the Indian pragmatic approach – who lean towards Russia, regardless of Western power which includes: including:

India and Russia share a time-tested strategic partnership

The next April will mark the 75th anniversary of Indo-Russian diplomatic relations, relationships that include regions that include politics, security, trade and economics, defense, science, and culture. Russia calls India as a special and special strategic partner and has been suitable for many times. For example, he used the power of Veto (such as the Russian / Soviet Union) 6 times to block the UN resolution against India, including during our war against Portugal’s presence in continental children (NATO members, during Goa Liberation), and three times in 1957, 1962 and 1971 To block resolution seeking UN intervention to resolve the Kashmir Indo-sir conflict.

Defence deals with Russia form the core of Indian military capabilities

Surrounded on two sides with what most can be called unfriendly neighbors, maintaining its military power is an urgent concern for India. At present, more than 70 percent of our military weapons are from Russian or Soviet. Whether it was the strength of our main battle tank (T-72M1 and T-90s Russian tanks), our operational aircraft carrier, Vikramaditya (refurbished Soviet ship), our nuclear-powered submarine (on rent from Russia), or even our air forced, With the backbone Jet MIG-21 and SU-30MKI, India has extraordinary dependence on the Russian-made military system In recent years, India has diversified his arm exports to other countries such as Israel and France and began producing weapons in the country, Russia remained ally and major military suppliers for India. In December last year, the two countries signed a contract (procurement of off-shelf + joint ventures to produce most weapons in Amethi, India) for assault rifles 670,000 AK-203 Kalashnikov which will replace Insas rifles in service.

India’s rise to superpower status needs a multipolar world

Between the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise that quickly crossed the fields of economy, the military and politics, China had been in Ascendant as a contra of global American hegemony. However, if the history of the world and the Cold War era is something that must be passed, the world of bipolar is not a good idea on a planet with nuclear armed countries As one of the other great regional powers, India can help create a strong third axis. This is a role played during US-Soviet competition, even from a lower power position. Consider China’s attitude that is often arrogant and fighting towards neighbors including India, we need allies such as Russia who openly support and speak for the role of India in the multipolar world As said the only biggest strength in Asia, China could also stand up by just rushing to fill any vacuum in the current power of the dynamics made if Russia lost its status and influence. India can also pay a situation where Russia jumps into a closer partnership with China, an alliance that can easily consider how good Russia and China antagonists towards the US – although with various levels – and can get rid of India, thanks to our history with China. 

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