
Russia-Ukraine War: Animals of Ukraine — a Collateral Damage or an Irreplaceable Loss?

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Our houses are supposed to be our sanctuary – the only place we can feel safe, spared by the misery of the world. But how are you feeling safe when you can hear missiles leave in the background and bombardments of explosions striking against your walls around the clock This catastrophic situation is not a simple hypothetical circumstance, but a reality for people and animals from Ukraine. The country, which hosts 35% of Europe’s biodiversity with only 6% of the continent’s land mass, could turn into a modern ecological tragedy if the situation continues to deteriorate In addition, for pets and wild animals in captivity, the situation seems even darker. While people (unfortunately!) Migrate, or hide in safer places underground, these animals do not even have that choice.

The pet dilemma!

Since Russia has invaded Ukraine on February 24, thousands of people have been forced to flee. And as they prepare to leave, they face a moral and emotional dilemma impossible to give up their animal cats and dogs Some combat teeth and nails to ensure that their four-legged companions accompany them when they leave their home, like Rishab, a software engineering student failed in Kiev, refused to leave the country torn by war without his animal dog Maliboo. Fortunately, Rishab and Maliboo had their close end and reaches Dehradun safely!

But others are not as lucky, and had to make the choice difficult to leave their animals behind. Such a decision is never easy, but it’s the thing about war – there is nothing easy or comforting However, animals can not understand why their owners leave them on the wrong side of the border as they move to other countries. And to fend for themselves, these abandoned animals struggle to find food, shelters and security.

At present, there are thousands of pets left behind in the streets of Ukraine. And while several refugees for animals and charities such as IFAW and K9AID do their best to accommodate and host as many animals as possible, shelters are overcrowded, and food supplies are down If the current situation continues or aggravates, animals face death by hunger if not ongoing conflict

It is not only pet dogs and cats that are in danger, but some biggest cats are also a solution. Giri Kumar Patil, a doctor based in Ukraine, and his Jaguar, Yagwar, and a black panther, Sabrina, remain entrenched in a bunker under his house near Donbass in Ukraine to the southeast. Kumar documented his struggles while taking care of the two big cats and procure food for them in the middle of the war.

Zoo animals struggle to stay alive

Animals even in the zoos of Ukraine facing a similar spell. In Kharkiv, Eastern Ukraine, the Feldman Ecopark zoo reported damaged facilities in recent fighting. Some animals were injured while others were killed And now, the current war is progressing slowly closer to the Kiev Capital Zoo, which is located near a crucial military post and perhaps in the way of a Russian advance in the capital, like animals and Careers of the zoo with horror.

To avoid heartbreaking events that Zoo Feldman Ecopark experienced, the Zoo Guardians at the Kiev zoo have moved lions and tigers in Poland with the help of a wildlife shelter that operates outside of Kiev But moving bigger animals like elephants and giraffes is not as simple Thus, in preparation for the most unfavorable scenario, the healers have completed at least two weeks. Some started cultivating lettuce there, on the property the animals can therefore be fosted with fresh foods And while the volunteers try to keep animals as calm and comfortable as possible, Horace, Asian elephant, is on calming so that he can sleep at night. The zebras are kept inside after panicking the noise of the bombings and ran directly in a fence. And Maya the lemur is so overwhelmed that she dropped newborn baby this week, almost killing it, the Washington.Post reported. 

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