
Putin oversees nuclear drills, US says Russian forces ‘poised to strike’ Ukraine

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Russian strategic nuclear forces held a training supervised by President Vladimir Putin on Saturday, and Washington accused Russian forces to gather near the Ukrainian border advancing and “ready to strike” With the western fear of the war, the White House said the National Security Team of US President Joe Biden told him that they still believed Russia could launch an attack in Ukraine “anytime” and he plans to hold the top advisor on Sunday to discuss the crisis.

Foreign Minister from the G7 group from rich countries said they did not see Russian evidence reduced its military activity in the area and remained “worry” about the situation After Kyiv and Moscow traded allegations over new shootings near the border, France and Germany urged all or some of their citizens in Ukraine to leave. US defense secretary Lloyd Austin said Russian forces began “uncoil and moving closer” to the border.

“We hope he (Putin) to resign from the gap of the conflict,” said Austin to a press conference in Lithuania, said the invasion to Ukraine could not be avoided Russia ordered a military buildup while demanding NATO prevent Ukraine from joining the alliance but said west warnings were planning to attack hysterical and dangerous Ukrainians. Moscow said it was pulling back, but Washington and the Allies said the buildup increased.

Washington and NATO said Moscow’s main demands were non-starters, but in Ukraine fear grew on Putin’s plans Vilegated the frustration at the security conference in Munich, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said the global security architecture was “almost damaged”. He urged permanent members of the Security Council U.N., Germany and Turkey to meet to develop new security guarantees for their country. The rules agreed upon the world in the decade then no longer work, “said Zelenskiy.” They don’t follow a new threat … this is a cough syrup when you need a coronavirus vaccine. “

World Bank President David Malpass told Zelenskiy on Saturday the bank was preparing funds to Ukraine up to $ 350 million The Kremlin said Russia managed to test hypersonic and roaming missiles in the sea during nuclear forced training. Putin observed the exercise on the screen with Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko from “Situation Center”

In the most pointed prediction so far, Biden said on Friday he was convinced that Putin had made the decision to attack Ukraine in the coming days, and Austin said on Saturday nuclear strength training triggered worries around the world President Biden continued to monitor the situation that developed in Ukraine, and was being updated regularly about the incident in the field by his national security team,” said White Press Secretary Jen PSAKI in a statement. “They reiterated that Russia could launch an attack on Ukraine anytime.”

Foreign Minister G7 called for Russia to choose diplomatic paths. “As the first step, we hope Russia will implement a reduction in military activities announced along the Ukrainian border. We have not seen evidence of this reduction,” they said in a statement Zelenskiy said he had a “urgent” telephone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron and discussed possible ways to de-escalation and diplomatic settlements. Macron will talk to Putin on Sunday The nuclear drill follows a maneuver by the Russian Armed Forces in the past four months which includes the buildup of troops – estimated to be number 150,000 or more – to the north, east and south of Ukraine.

New helicopters and placement of battle tanks, armored personnel carriers and supporting equipment have been moved to sites in Russia near the border, according to Maxar technology based on US, which tracks development with satellite imagery Moscow-based analyst said Saturday practice was intended to send messages to take Russian demands seriously.


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