
Are you from India? Why don’t you go back? Viral video from Poland shows Indian being racially abused by American man

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In the Indian back-to-back incident targeted in the United States, a new video has emerged but this time from European countries where an Indian man is thought to be called “parasites” and “genocider”. “Why are you in Poland?” Attackers can be heard in videos along Slam racist and violations. The clip became viral on the social media platform showed an Indian man, whose identity had not been determined, was targeted by an attacker who called himself the American path behind him to shout racial nicknames. The latest incident occurred in Poland suspected by an American in European countries. The attacker in the video identifies him as an American and “white”. Furthermore, in the video, the man can be heard saying “Stop shooting me”, but the attacker said he had the right to film it because it was his country.

Why did you record me? “The man is believed to be an Indian, said.” Because I am from America … and in America, there are too many of you. So why are you in Poland? “The attacker said further. He kept asking: “Do you think you can attack Poland? You have your own country. Why don’t you return to your country?” Indians avoid it and keep going.

“Europeans want to know why you come to the land of white people to take off from our hard work. Why don’t you build your own country? Why are you a parasite? You are our race genosidation. You are a invaders. Going home, Invader. Don’t want you in Europe. Poland is only for Poland. You are not Poland, “he said. Meanwhile, previously an Indian-American man had to face many racist insults and anti-Hindu comments in the US California. Krishnan Jayaraman verbally was attacked by California Tejinder Singh man in Taco Bell in Fremont on August 21, the US media report said. Long video footage shows a portion of the interaction between Tejinder and Jayaraman where the first can be seen and heard directing religious insults and insulting comments to people who hold the camera.

“Walk with your toes.” You are disgusting with your H -1B visa. … no one comes in public like this, you are Hindu dirty, “he continued in this incident following an American woman who was arrested in the State of Texas US after a video of a video of Indian-American women who experienced harassment and attack racial become viral on social media. The attacker, who claimed to be a Mexican who was born in the US, was seen asking a group of Indian-American women to “return to India”.

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