
Tweet Claims Vitamin D Deficiency Is ‘One Of The More Serious Issues Of Our Time’

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Is it one of the more serious problems of our time? Pollution and climate change? Damaged systems in our society that have triggered obesity epidemics and non-communicable diseases? Grow gaps in socio-economic status? Food and water vulnerability? Racism and sexism? Corruption? Damage in the education system? Well, on April 1, someone named Jeffrey Boadi claimed on Twitter that “one of the more serious problems of our time” is vitamin D deficiency:

Is this april stupid joke? It doesn’t look like that. The day after tweeting, “Vitamin D deficiency is one of the more serious problems of our time which is constantly ignored,” Boadi followed up the next day on April 2 with a tweet about vitamin D supplements. Thread Tweet Boadi-Achious This might have pushed the phrase ” Vitamin D “then trend on Twitter.

Trends include a number of anonymous social media accounts that claim that vitamin D supplements have changed their lives. Of course, you cannot verify such claims because you can’t really tell who or what bot might be behind the tweet. That’s why you usually can’t get advice from graffiti in the bathroom stall.

Then there are tweets like the following:

Oh, Lordy, Lordy. Or maybe, sequential, sequential. Our master tells us to “avoid training / sunlight?” When exactly TV reality shows a bachelor to us to do that? Central website for controlling and disease prevention (CDC) clearly states that “spending time out of the room can improve health and health as a whole. Outdoor offers many opportunities to be physically active. Time outdoors can also promote mental health and reduction of stress Of course. “And why is Vitamin D actually become “Recommendation # 1” from CDC two years ago? Does this tweet suggest that vitamin D somehow the key to fighting the covid-19 coronavirus pandemic? If so, based on what real scientific evidence? I covered Forbes in February how a study found that vitamin D supplementation was associated with shorter-19-related hospitals. But it was far from indicating that the supplement could prevent the spread of the severe acute breathing syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2). Apart from if vitamin D is very effective against Covid-19, why does the CDC will say it? Well, this is another anonymous social media account tweet:

Oh that’s right. This has something to do with ballots and cheating during the election. Why not throw laser space, chocolate shirts, and unicorn pink too? This Pushing of the “Vitamin D Deficiency is Overlooked” Narrative May Be Why Some Just Noted And Tried To Then Ignore The Trend, Such As Gynecologist Jen Gunter, MD:

Others Such As A Minimum Invasive And Bariatric Surgeon Arghavan Salles, MD, PhD, More Actively Questioned The “More Serious Issues of Our Time” and “Overlooked” Claim: Elizabeth T Jacobs, PhD, A Professor of Epidemiology at The Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health and The University of Arizona Cancer Center, Chimed In with A Tweet Thread About How Vitamin D Deficiency Hasn’t In Fact Been Overlooked:

And Jacobs Actually has an MS in Nutrition from Purdue University, and a PhD in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Arizona. She is a Cancer and Chronic Disease Epidemiologist Whose Research Covers Vitamin D: By Contrast, A Link On Boadi’s Twitter Profile Takes You To A Web Site Advertising HIS “Eat More Plants” Recipe Book. The “About” Section of this Web Site Doesn’t Clarify What Specific Scientific Experience OR Credentials Would Qualify HIM As A Nutrition or Health Expert.

Where exactly proof that vitamin D has been ignored? The National Medical Library (NLM) maintains web pages on vitamin D deficiency. Clearly includes known problems related to vitamin D deficiency, such as various bone problems such as osteoporosis. The NLM page directs that “researchers are studying vitamin D for possible connections against some medical conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and autoimmune conditions such as multiple sclerosis. They need to do more research before they can understand the effect of vitamin D this. “

So while lack of vitamin D certainly deserves attention, call it “one of the more serious problems of our time” and “ignored” will be a little much. There are many more serious problems to be handled in our health and society today. In fact, one of the most serious problems of our time is people who disseminate the wrong information that applies to real scientific information only for political or monetary profits. Just look at how many people posing as nutrition or other scientific experts without suitable credentials, experiences, and credibility. Without adequate protection, you can say that this problem is completely ignored.

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