
Partying on New Year’s eve? 10 questions on Omicron answered by doctor who detected it

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The contagion is everyplace and closing requests won’t work, Dr Angelique Coetzee told India Today. Dr Coetzee, the croaker who was the first to descry the Omicron variant, went on to say that cases with mild symptoms also need treatment indeed if they don’t need hospitalisation First detected in South Africa, the Omicron strain has been nominated a’variant of concern’by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Several countries have introduced restrictions with the sole end of bridling the spread of the Omicron variant. In India, checks are being put in place to help a swell in Omicron cases during the Christmas-New Year leaves Then are your top 10 questions on Omicron answered 1. Still, are others safe?  If one person in a family is infected The ménage transmission rate of Omicron is high, Dr Angelique Coetzee told India Today. Dr Coetzee added,”If one person in a family of seven has it, be assured that the other six will also have it.”

2. Do cases with mild infections need hospitalisation?

Cases with mild symptoms also need treatment indeed if they don’t need hospitalisation”Hospital admissions (in South Africa) are stable and doubling every alternate day. The contagion is spreading presto,”Dr Coetzee said. She added that a maturity of Covid cases in Intensive Care Units (ICU) aren’t vaccinated, while those who have entered the poke have mild symptoms.

3. Does Omicron hang some further than others?

Stating that one can not underrate a viral infection, Dr Coetzee said,”If you’re fat and unvaccinated, also Omicron will trouble you.”

4. What are the common symptoms of Omicron?

“Omicron starts with muscle pain. It isn’t coughing and fever,”says the croaker who first detected the variant.

Dr Angelique Coetzee says,” Lower reverse pain is among the new symptoms. The clinical picture is further of muscle and pain than a blocked nose and cough.”
Other symptoms include a sore body, fatigue and a headache.

5. How soon before it’s safe to go out again?

Dr Coetzee says while vaccines cover us,” closing requests won’t work. We need to live with the contagion. When hospitals see further cases, that’s when we need to step in again.”

6. Is there a link between Covid and pneumonia?

“It (Omicron variant) attacks the upper respiratory tract. You can get pneumonia also, though utmost cases are mild,” said Dr Angelique Coetzee.

7. Should I get a supporter cure?

Dr Coetzee advises people to get a supporter cure of a Covid-19 vaccine.”India should give it out,”she told India Today.
8. Do lockdowns work?

“We’re awaiting cases to increasepost-festive season. Lockdowns will not work. The contagion is everyplace. You need to alleviate. Use your common sense. Ending requestsetc. won’t work. We need to live with the contagion,”Dr Angelique Coetzee said.

9. When should restrictions be heightened?

Dr Coetzee added that we need to” step in again”when hospitals see further cases.

10. Is it safe to snub on New Year’s day?
“Cases (of Omicron) are mild but effects could change,” said Dr Angelique Coetzee Seropositivity rates are high in South Africa. India could also have a swell looking at a analogous line. Cluster outbreaks are there (in South Africa)-the same experience as India,”Dr Coetzee told India Today

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