
India’s Unfortunate Connections to the 2021 Medicine Nobel Prize

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The Nobel Prize for Physics has been given to scientists from Japan, Germany and Italy Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann are quoted for their work in “physical modeling the earth’s climate, measuring variability and reliably predicting global warming The Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for 2021 has been given to David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian for finding receptors in the human body responsible for our ability to feel hot and cold.


The discovery center about how we feel the temperature is a chemical compound called capsaicin. The technical appointment is 8-methyl-n-vanillyl-6-nonenamide. It looks like this:

Capsaicin molecular structure

Knot and the tip is a carbon atom, one side is a single bond and double edge (parallel line) is a double bond. Capsaicin is included in the type of vanilloid compound. This compound has a vanillyl group – the ring structure on the left plus the tip oh and o-c. Many vanilloids, including capsaicin, binds to the receptor in the body called TRPV1.

This is a rather common knowledge at this time that the first step novel Coronavirus plowing cells in the human body is to tie receptors on the cell surface, called Ace2. Not all cells express Ace2 receptors on their surface, but the cells lining the human respiratory tract do. Likewise, Capsaicin binds a receptor called TRPV1, which is expressed by central nervous system cells. And so, he triggered a severe burning sensation.

The Nobel Foundation has edited David Julius by finding that TRPV1 is a receptor – encoded by the TrPV1 gene (the name of the gene is loaded with the Convention) – responsible for our body can feel acidity and heat, especially heat that can network damage. This also means that this receptor is involved in our body’s ability to regulate acidity and temperature.

Julius, and others, do this by studying the effect of capsaicin on the body. All cells in the body have proteins called ion channels. This protein is porous, and produces a small electric field that allows some ions through their pores and the amount determined by cell requirements. According to the Nobel Prize website, Julius found that the receptor where Capsaicin Binds is a TRPV1 (which is the ion channel type receptor). After binding, TRPV1 allows positively charged ions, especially the calcium, to pass, produce electrical signals that move through the nervous system to the brain.


Capsaicin actually does not burn or damage the network. The contact with TRPV1 only asked the brain to react as if the network was being burned. Of course, this will be a little consolation when you accidentally bite chili But this does not mean capsaicin is also harmless. The burning sensation is still a real sensation, and India has several connections that doubt the capsaicin that highlights this truth, which is very unfortunate.

In 2014, parliamentarians later from Seabandhra, L. Rajagopal, was quite conflicting with Andhra Pradesh bifurkasi, which had not yet occurred. But for hours after Lok Sabha passed the controversial bill, Rajagopal stood in parliament and released the ‘pepper spray’ from the tube into the room, triggering a commotion and forcing his fellow parliamentarians to scramble outside. Speaker Lok Sabha Meira Kumar said the “blot” incident to democracy.

Rajagopal tubes do not contain pepper, or even chili, powder. Instead, he holds Capsaicin who has been converted into resin, emulsions with water and pressurized into cans. In 2014, Mohan Kameswaran, an ENT senior surgeon in Chennai, has told this correspondent that “his spray contained irritation that was not burned but caused a reaction such as burns”. It can’t be washed away with water too. Kamlayaran also said that “in people with conditions such as asthma or allergic conjunctivitis, [capsaicin exposu

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